In Newburgh v. Arrigo, the Supreme Court of New Jersey established several factors to consider in determining college contributions after a divorce. A few of the most important factors include: (1)...
In New Jersey, a person commits the predicate act of harassment as defined by N.J.S.A. 2C:33-4 if, with the purpose to harass another, he: a) Makes, or causes to be made, a communication or communications...
New Jersey is certainly at the forefront of states proactively taking measures, both judicially and legislatively, to prevent child abuse and neglect. N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.21 defines an “abused or neglected...
In New Jersey, Rule 1:7-4 provides that in every non-jury civil action, the role of the trial court at the end of trial is to determine the facts and state conclusions of law. Rolnick v. Rolnick, 290 N.J. Super....
Equitable Distribution and Alimony in New Jersey
Oct 04, 2017
If you want to understand the full spectrum of a typical divorce, the following New Jersey Appellate Division case covers all the bases. K.C. v. D.C. was a recent decision primarily involving aspects...