Nursing Home Nightmare

Jun 10, 2014
Paul M. da Costa

Placing a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision for any family.  Family members can only hope that their loved ones are treated well when they receive elder care.  Many nursing homes, however, face difficulties that often result in the mistreatment of home residents.  As recently reported, the family of an 87-year-old Jersey City woman was awarded 13.2 million dollars in a wrongful death medical malpractice action against Harbor View Healthcare Center after the woman died in the center’s care. 

The decedent was placed in Harbor View Healthcare Center for rehabilitative services following a fall that caused a dislocated shoulder.  She spent nearly 100 days in the nursing home, during which time she was not properly cared for.  She suffered weight loss of 20 pounds, a “massive bedsore” as a result of being turned over only 10 times during her stay, and unnecessary and excessive medical procedures, including a colostomy.

While Harbor View plans to appeal the judgment, most individuals would say that all elderly individuals who reside in a nursing home should be treated with the utmost care.  In New Jersey, nursing homes have a duty to ensure that all residents are free from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52-27G-7.1.  All residents have the right to privacy and confidentiality in regards to their treatment and physical bodies.  Nursing homes must also provide adequate medical care and services. 

With an increasing number of adults entering the senior citizen population, it is important to ensure that all individuals are properly cared for as they age.  Unfortunately, many elder care homes face problems, such as understaffing, that result in the mistreatment and neglect of patients.  If you or a loved one has experienced mistreatment or abuse while residing in a New Jersey nursing home, the experienced attorneys at Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC can protect your rights in a medical malpractice claim.  

The attorneys at Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC can be contacted at 973-274-5200