Angelo Sarno and Jerry D’Aniello to Speak at NJAJ Boardwalk Seminar

Jul 27, 2020

Partners, Angelo Sarno and Jerry S. D’Aniello, will be speakers at the NJAJ Boardwalk Seminar 2020 on August 6th, 2020.

From 9:00 am – 12:30pm Angelo will be participating in Alimony in the 21st Century – A Mock Trial and from 11:00 am – 2:30 pm Jerry will be speaking on Ethical Considerations in Family Law Practice.

This year, the Boardwalk Seminar® 2020 A Digital Experience: Education, Networking & Exhibits is a unique virtual program featuring 29 programs over three days. All programs are divided into 90-minute online webinars. This digital format allows you to choose individual webinars based on your needs or interests, which lets you create a personalized seminar.

Angelo Sarno is the founding and managing partner of the law firm of Snyder Sarno D’Aniello Maceri da Costa LLC. He is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a matrimonial attorney.

Mr. Sarno is a distinguished family law attorney, representing clients in various complex matrimonial cases throughout New Jersey. In 2014, Mr. Sarno received national recognition for his involvement in representing the parents in the matter Rachel Canning vs. Sean and Elizabeth Canning, a case which involved a lawsuit between a daughter and her parents. In addition, on September 25, 2014, Mr. Sarno’s successful arguments before the State Supreme Court in Maeker v. Ross established legal precedent for the matrimonial law community. The unanimous Supreme Court, agreeing with Mr. Sarno’s arguments, ruled that oral palimony agreements entered into prior to the New Jersey Legislature’s amendment to the Statute of Frauds remain enforceable. In addition, Mr. Sarno co-authored a book titled New Jersey Family Law Forms for the New Jersey Law Journal.

For more information about Angelo click here.

Jerry S. D’Aniello, the managing partner of the Somerset County office in Bridgewater, devotes his practice exclusively to all aspects of divorce and family law. Mr. D’Aniello, a Past President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers – NJ Ch., is also certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. He provides his clients with strong, strategic legal advice and has proven to be a formidable adversary both in and out of the courtroom. Divorce and family law cover the most valuable aspects of your life, Jerry ensures that each of his clients receive the firm, legal representation needed to attain favorable results.

Jerry is an experienced mediator and arbitrator for all divorce and family law related matters. He is one of the few trained mediators in New Jersey authorized to mediate cases that include a domestic violence and FRO, in counties participating in the pilot program. Jerry is a trained arbitrator, and has successfully completed the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers’ Arbitration Training Institute. He is also a court-appointed custody mediator and is admitted to the rosters of Mediators for Economic Aspects of Family Law Cases for thirteen New Jersey counties, including Somerset, Hunterdon, Mercer, Morris and Union.

For more information about Jerry, please click here.

If you have any questions regarding a family law matter, please contact Angelo Sarno, Esq. or Jerry S. D’Aniello, Esq. at Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC. Call Angelo or Jerry today at 973-274-5200 or email (Angelo) or (Jerry).