Paul da Costa Selected as Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America

Jul 02, 2018

Partner, Paul M. da Costa, has been selected to become a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. Fellowship in the Litigation Counsel of America is by invitation only and highly selective. The Litigation Counsel of America is a trial lawyer honorary society, and its membership represents less than one-half of one percent of all American lawyers. Fellows are selected based upon accomplishment in litigation and trial work, as well as superior ethical representation. The number of Fellowships has been kept at an exclusive limit by design, allowing qualifications, diversity and inclusion to align effectively, with recognition of excellence in litigation across all segments of the bar. Fellows are generally at the partner or shareholder level, or are independent practitioners with recognized experience and accomplishment.

The mission of the Litigation Counsel of America is to recognize deserving, experienced, and highly qualified lawyers, to foster a cohesive membership for the exchange of ideas, to advance superior advocacy and ethical standards in the practice of law, to provide a channel for scholarly creativity and authorship of legal articles devoted to trial and litigation subjects, to offer resources for further professional development, and to assist in community involvement by its membership.