By early 2013, none of the children were emancipated, but the older daughter was primarily financially supported by the husband, as she lived with him in California and attended college in Oregon. The younger daughter...
The MSA provided that the husband and wife would equally split “the coverture value of all forms of retirement accounts acquired during the marriage,” including IRAs, 401ks, and pensions. The MSA further stipulated...
The mother and father divorced when their daughter was 4 years old. The parents shared decision-making responsibility regarding their daughter and both spent ample time with her, but the mother was the parent...
The husband and wife initially attempted economic mediation, which failed. In February 2014, they agreed to participate in the Intensive Settlement Program with a retired judge. After 3 days of negotiations...
The parties’ son was born in 1995 and should have graduated from high school in June 2013. He did well early in his high school career, but eventually began missing classes frequently and receiving poor grades. ...