Paul M. da Costa Designated by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Certified Civil Trial Attorney

Jun 08, 2015

On April 30, 2015, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey signed an Order designating Paul M. da Costa, Esq. as a Certified Civil Trial Attorney. Designation as a “Certified Civil Trial Attorney” by the Supreme Court of New Jersey indicates that such attorneys possess a certain level of experience and skill at trial, as well as a certain level of proficiency at litigating cases leading up to trial. The Supreme Court only designates attorneys as “Certified Civil Trial Attorneys” when certain criteria and standards mandated by the Supreme Court of New Jersey are met. Specifically, an attorney must be a member of the Bar for a minimum of five (5) years and have actively participated in the preparation of numerous litigated matters. In addition, an attorney must have completed a mandatory number of trials in the Superior Court of the State of New Jersey, and an attorney must fulfill mandated continuing legal education requirements. An attorney must also submit peer attorney and judicial references to acknowledge and collaborate the attorney’s skills, ethics and character. Last, an attorney must pass a written exam that addresses trial practice issues and procedures. Although there are in excess of 70,000 attorneys licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey, only less than 3% of attorneys have been designated as “Certified Civil Trial Attorneys.” Pursuant to New Jersey Rule of Court 1:39-6(d), a “Certified Civil Trial Attorney” who receives a case by way of referral from another attorney may engage in fee division without the referring attorney performing any work on the referred case.