Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC Palimony Case To Be Heard May 5th

Apr 23, 2014

We recently blogged about the palimony case of Maeker v. Ross, and that our partner, Angelo Sarno will argue before the New Jersey Supreme Court. The date has been set. The case will be heard by the New Jersey Supreme Court on May 5, 2014. We are hopeful that the Court will agree that the palimony statute should not be applied retroactively, which will protect people that were committed to long-term relationships and were dependent on their partner’s financial support prior to the enactment of the palimony statute. 

Watch the matter be argued live on the New Jersey Courts website, as Angelo Sarno uses his expertise to persuade the Supreme Court.

Stay tuned for further developments…

If you have any questions about your right to palimony or the possibility of a palimony obligation, contact Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC at 973-274-5200.