Stacey A. Cozewith Installed as Chair of the Somerset County Bar Foundation

Jun 28, 2016

On June 24, 2016, Partner Stacey A. Cozewith was installed as the Somerset County Bar Foundation’s new Chair, when she was sworn in by the Honorable Yolanda Ciccone, A.J.S.C. At the dinner, Stacey was honored and recognized for her dedication to the Foundation and the Somerset County community at large. Stacey was introduced by the Honorable Thomas H. Dilts, P.J.F.P. (retired) for whom she clerked while he was Presiding Judge of the Family Part in Somerset County. Partner Adelaide Riggi, was also installed as the Foundation’s Vice Chair. In addition, Partner Jerry S. D’Aniello was installed as a Trustee of the Foundation.

As Chair, during her two year term of office, Stacey will be responsible to lead the Somerset County Bar Foundation in its mission “[t]o strengthen the relationship between County residents and their justice system through better awareness and understanding.” The Foundation seeks to better the relationship between the legal community and the residents of Somerset County as well as to give back to the community with financial support. Through fundraising efforts like the annual Legal Runaround 5k Run, the Foundation supports charitable nonprofit organizations, such as Legal Services of Northwest New Jersey, Middle Earth, and the Children’s Hope Initiative. These organizations provide direct assistance to underserved Somerset County residents. The Foundation also provides scholarships to Somerset County law students and works with the New Jersey State Bar Foundation to organize the Vincent J. Apruzzese High School Mock Trial Competition. The Foundation also hosts Law Day, which is a law-related education program that is open to the public and has covered a variety of important and timely topics.

Congratulations to Stacey, Adelaide, and Jerry! Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC is proud of your dedication to serving the Somerset County community.