In order to constitute abuse or neglect of a child under New Jersey law, the parent’s conduct must pose an imminent risk of harm to the child at the time of the event that triggered The Division of Child Protection and...
If an individual paying alimony or child support seeks a reduction in his or her obligation, New Jersey law has established a two-step test for deciding whether a modification of alimony is...
Parental rights may be terminated for several reasons, including (1) that the child’s safety or health is endangered by the parental relationship; (2) the parent is unable or unwilling to eliminate the harm facing the...
When Can a Parent Move to Emancipate a Child in NJ?
Jul 06, 2017
When a child becomes emancipated from his or her parents, this means that the parents can no longer make decisions for the child and that the parents are not obligated to pay financial support. The question is often...
Issues of custody are typically a difficult subject for parents who have just been through a divorce. Regardless of each parents’ position on custody, the court will always side with the best interests...