Prescription Errors: Drugs and Miscommunication 

What is a Prescription Drug Error? 

The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) defines prescription error as “any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products, procedures, and systems, including prescribing; order communication; product labeling, packaging, and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and use.” ( 

Prescription errors typically occur because your health care provider or pharmacist failed to exercise the proper level of care in administering medication to you. There are numerous potential causes for this negligence:

  1. Poor communication between your doctors
  2. Poor communication between you and your doctor
  3. Prescribing the patient the wrong medication
  4. Prescribing the patient the wrong dosage of medication
  5. Prescribing medication the patient is allergic to
  6. Prescribing medication that adversely reacts with other medications the patient is taking
  7. Mislabeling the medication, and
  8. Failing to inform the patient about the common side effects of the medication.

Medical Malpractice in Prescription Error

Prescription errors will almost always involve some level of medical negligence by which your doctor can be held liable for medical malpractice. In other words, your doctor may have breached his duty of care to you – the duty to exercise that degree of care and skill of a reasonably competent and skilled healthcare professional who practices in the same specialty. This objective standard is what Mr. da Costa and his associates can help you prove in court, along with the help of the medical experts in our web of resources.

Although the vast majority of prescription errors are preventable through proper procedures, unfortunately, prescription error cases are one of the most common types of medical malpractice.

How We Can Help You

At Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC, our experienced medical malpractice attorneyPaul M. da Costa, and his team can assist you in obtaining compensation for injuries you have sustained because of your health care provider’s or pharmacist’s prescription error. 

Paul’s expertise in prescription error litigation, combined with his compassion and dedication to his clients, can help you financially recover after suffering health complications as a result of your healthcare provider’s or pharmacist’s negligence.

Our attorneys have access to the most experienced medical experts and healthcare professionals to help us identify the cause of your prescription error and testify on your behalf. It may turn out that your doctor was negligent in prescribing you medication for your symptoms.

Contact Us Today

If you have suffered adverse health complications from prescription medication and you believe they may be the result of your healthcare provider’s or pharmacist’s prescription error, Sarno da Costa D’Aniello Maceri Webb LLC may be able to help. Paul M. da Costa and his team will use their experience and high level of competence to help you financially recover from a stressful and emotional experience. We are confident in our ability to get any out-of-pocket medical expenses due to prescription error reimbursed to you, and we will work tirelessly to pursue other available financial remedies as well. Contact us today to set up a free consultation, so we may review your case as soon as possible. Make the right choice by choosing our professionals who will look after your interests as if they were our own.