For those adversely affected by medical errors, the journey to justice can be fraught with complexities and legal intricacies. Introduction In the state of New Jersey, where medical malpractice payouts reached a staggering...
“Artificial intelligence is not going to replace lawyers, but lawyers who do not use artificial intelligence will eventually be replaced by lawyers that do use it,” according to Stacey Cozewith and Matthew Eichen....
In a historic decision on June 13, 2024, the Supreme Court of New Jersey set the bright-line rule that all commercial landowners have a duty to maintain public sidewalks abutting their property in reasonably good condition....
On September 7, 2023, the United States Attorney’s Office- District of New Jersey released an investigation report detailing their investigation, findings, and conclusions related to the handling of the Covid-19 virus by...
Divorce is daunting enough without having to learn the legal terms associated with it. Each case has its own specific set of facts and thus will have its own set of issues to be argued. As important as it is to have an...