In New Jersey, under the Law Against Discrimination (LAD), there is a list of categories of people that employers are prohibited from discriminating against when making employment decisions, such as hiring and...
Alimony Reform
Jul 07, 2014
As reported by, a bill was recently passed by the New Jersey legislature that will change the law on alimony. The bill is currently awaiting approval by Governor Chris Christie. Alimony is the payment...
Every year, over 250,000 Americans over the age of 65 suffer from a hip fracture. Hip fractures are often caused by falls, and can result in devastating consequences for the patient or their families. A recent article...
Trading Counseling Sessions for College Expenses
Jun 30, 2014
In previous blogs, we have discussed that a child support obligation does not end until a child is emancipated, and that, many times, a child is unemancipated through the completion of his or her college education. We...
Be Careful What You Wish For
Jun 30, 2014
In certain instances in a New Jersey family court proceeding, attorney’s fees are available to one party or the other. The judge’s ability to award counsel fees is governed by Rule 5:3-5(c) and Rule 4:42-9....