Three’s a Crowd

Apr 07, 2014
Generally, when we think of child custody disputes, we think of two biological or adoptive parents fighting for custody of their child. However, under certain circumstances, a custody dispute can be between a biological...

Hands tied?

Mar 31, 2014
Sometimes, when one spouse has a final restraining order (FRO) against the other, the couple will, in their property settlement agreement (PSA) agree to vacate the FRO and replace it with matrimonial restraints that will be...

In the dog house?

Mar 26, 2014
For many pet owners, our dogs and cats are members of our family. We do not look at them as property, but as family members that we love and cherish just as much as our other family members. This is why, when a couple that...

My Body, My Decision!

Mar 14, 2014
In November 2013, a New Jersey judge ruled that a father does not have the right to be present in the delivery room during the birth of his child if the child’s mother does not consent. This case, Plotnick v. Deluccia,...