Every day, people all over the world connect to each other through their social media accounts, whether through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other social networking site or mobile application. For many...
“Get” Me Divorced!
Feb 11, 2014
A Judgment of Divorce granted by the New Jersey Superior Court, Family Division, terminates a marriage under the laws of New Jersey. However, a litigant may continue to be married to their “ex-spouse” under the laws...
Who Should Consider a Prenuptial Agreement
Feb 10, 2014
A Prenuptial Agreement, often referred to as a “Prenup,” is an agreement that a couple enters into prior to marriage in order to protect certain individual assets and other rights in the event that the marriage...
Dissolving Final Restraining Orders
Feb 04, 2014
One of the remedies for victims of domestic violence is a final restraining order (FRO), which prohibits contact between the batterer and the victim. In New Jersey, FROs are permanent, meaning they last forever....
New York Governor Caught in Prostitution Scandal
Jan 23, 2014
New York Daily News reports that former New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer and his wife of 26 years, Silda Wall, have filed for divorce, six years after Spitzer was caught in a prostitution ring scandal. The...