In any determination of whether a Final Restraining Order (“FRO”) should be granted, the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (“PDVA”) comes into play. Under this Act, a court follows a two-step analysis under Silver...
New Jersey courts will allow a spouse to modify their alimony obligations after a showing of changed circumstances has been made. The seminal case allowing for this modification is Lepis v. Lepis, 83 N.J. 139 (1980), holding...
Courts in New Jersey generally view modification of parenting time as a change in the custody arrangement between the parties. Thus, to successfully modify a custody arrangement, a party...
The use of consensual agreements to resolve marital controversies is particularly favored in divorce matters in New Jersey. Courts generally will not disturb a parties’ right to enter private contracts so...
In every divorce case involving equitable distribution, a court must determine three things: (1) what property and/or assets are eligible for distribution; (2) the value of the eligible property and/or assets;...