The United States Department of Justice defines domestic violence as a “pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate...
A number of difficult legal questions arise when parties divorce and one parent wants to relocate with the children to a different state over the other parent’s objection. A parent attempting to...
A party seeking to relocate a child out of the state when both parties share unequal parental obligations has the burden of producing evidence establishing prima facie (1) that there is a good faith reason for the...
When a minor child experiences gender dysphoria and desires to be identified by the opposite gender from their biological gender, parents are left with a tough decision as to whether their child should legally change his or...
When a child becomes emancipated from his or her parents, this means that the parents are no longer obligated to pay financial support. Prior to or during the marriage, parties will often establish in writing at what...