A person who seeks a final restraining order (FRO) under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (PDVA) must show by a preponderance of the evidence that the alleged abuser committed an act of domestic violence and that a FRO...
New Jersey courts may adjust alimony and child support upon a showing of changed circumstances. An increase in the cost of living, an increase or decrease in the supporting spouse’s income, and changes in the...
To modify a custody arrangement contained in a divorce agreement, the parent moving for the change must first establish that there has been a change of circumstances. Then, the parent must show that the proposed change...
Rehabilitative alimony and limited duration alimony are not the same. Rehabilitative alimony is a short-term award that is designed to financially support the dependent spouse while he or she receives training or...
Under New Jersey case law, the Family Part has discretion to decide whether the facts of a given case require income to be imputed to either spouse in calculating appropriate alimony payments. For example, income might...