This week, the New Jersey Appellate Division reversed the lower court judge’s ruling in Bennett v. Alviggi. Upon their divorce in 2006, a couple agreed in their marital settlement agreement that the father would...
Nowadays, it is fairly common for one spouse to remain in the marital home after a divorce. Usually, the spouse who keeps the house is required to refinance the mortgage so that it is in his or her name only. But...
A former couple, long since divorced, has two teenage sons. At the time of their divorce, both parents in Craft v. Bugbee hired attorneys and negotiated a Parenting Time Agreement (PTA). Among many other...
After graduating from college in June 2014, Brianne brought her divorced parents to court in an attempt to make them pay for the college expenses she had incurred. Her father cross-moved, asking the court to determine...
This week, the Chancery Division of Ocean County addressed an issue that has not previously been addressed in New Jersey: “What happens when a plaintiff seeks a final restraining order against a defendant for conduct which...