After graduating from college in June 2014, Brianne brought her divorced parents to court in an attempt to make them pay for the college expenses she had incurred. Her father cross-moved, asking the court to determine...
This week, the Chancery Division of Ocean County addressed an issue that has not previously been addressed in New Jersey: “What happens when a plaintiff seeks a final restraining order against a defendant for conduct which...
A woman, whose divorce was still in process, had a civil restraints against her husband to prevent him from communicating with her, apart from texts or emails about their children. Regardless, her husband angrily...
In the United States, the debate ensues over who is responsible for footing the bill for medical care required as a result of hospital procedures gone wrong, according to The Washington Post. Often, fault for a bad...
Married for 16 years and college educated abroad, a couple’s divorce went to trial in Hari v. Somaskanthan. They have two unemancipated kids, both of whom live with the ex-wife. During most of the marriage,...