The mother in Van Ramshorst v. Cengiz is a born and raised citizen of the Netherlands, but she now lives as a permanent resident in New Jersey. As the primary custodial parent, she filed a motion almost three...
Two years ago, the Family Part found in New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency v. J.L. that a mother abused her oldest daughter. It all started when a staff member at the daughter’s school...
Last week, the Judiciary Committee on Opinions approved Kakstys v. Stevens, a trial court case, for publication. The case addressed “the retroactive establishment of an initial child support obligation in a...
Upon their divorce in 2010, the ex-husband in Canal v. Canal agreed to pay his ex-wife limited duration alimony. He would pay her $104,000 a year for seven years, and he would pay child support for their three...
A husband and wife in Vantimiglia v. Pandelo were divorced in September 2010, and the mother was designated as the children’s parent of primary residence. About a year and a half later, the parties entered...