In a modern age with various types of families, grandparents often raise their grandchildren. In some situations, parents have little interaction with their children and the grandparents become the primary...
Sherri Shepherd, former co-host of the “The View,” and her husband, Lamar Sally, entered into a surrogacy agreement in order to have a child. The child was conceived using Sally’s sperm and the egg of a...
It is well-established that one parent’s substance abuse can affect his or her child custody case. Since medical marijuana, and marijuana more generally, has become legal in many states, however, it is uncertain how...
Recent reports of a child support scam in Minneapolis would likely cause outrage among most men. Reports indicate that T.K. met Jhona Vandemore on an online dating website and eventually met in person. A...
We have previously blogged about relocation when parents are divorced and share custody of their children. In the recent unpublished New Jersey Appellate Court case, Schwager v. Schwager, the...